• Nina Hairiyah Politeknik Negeri Tanah Laut
  • Nuryati Nuryati Politeknik Negeri Tanah Laut
Keywords: microcomposite, corn cob, polyprophilene, cellulose


Microcomposite is a material that formed from a combination of two or more material
through the mixing  not homogeneous matrix that consisting of a protector and filler.
Corn cob is one of the plants that contain cellulose. Pure cellulose material derived from
corn cobs can be an alternative filler materials because of the nature of the fiber is strong
(high modulus) resulted in a crystalline structure. The purpose of this study was get the
best ratio between corn cobs and Polyprophilene Polymers (PP) viewed of texture,
porosity and adhesion. The processed consist of four stages, namely pulverizing corn
cobs  and  analyzed  the  water  content  and  density,  cellulose  fraction  corn  cobs,
manufacture PP matrix of waste and casting microcomposit. The results showed the
water content of the corn cob’s powder 3.33% with a yield of 37.5% and a density of 0.57
g /ml and the best is microkomposite MKJ 3 (5 g of corn cob filler and matrix waste
plastics PP 5 g).


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