• Abdul Rozaq Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin
  • Raden Kelik Hardinto Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin
Keywords: entrepreneurship, E-Commerce, Sasirangan


The competitive advantage of entrepreneurship development is definetely influenced by the method
of introducing the products, both in the surrounding region or a wider range such as national and
international. The method used to introducing products by employers, including advertising and
electronics. However, this method is insufficient because the costs are quite substantial. Employers
will rethink if they have to provide a lot of money to market their products at the beginning of the
business. In South Kalimantan especially in  Banjarmasin, many Entrepreneurs involved in the
production of Sasirangan. They will be quite objected if the introduction of the product must
expend considerable cost. Therefore, it is required a solution that can help employers to introduce
their products without the huge cost, with widely information, up to date, and able to increase the
competitiveness of Sasirangan in regional, national, even international. That can be done by E-
Commerce, online marketing. Which included the introduction of the product, product ordering,
bill payments, until the delivery of the product. In the development of this system will be applied
the Software Development Life Cycle methodology, where the activities are consist of the analysis,
design, and implementation. The aims is being a Sistem of E-Commerce that really applied as
needed. The technology applied is the use of web programming using a database. In order that the
entire activities of this online marketing process can be  handle easily without a huge cost, also the
most important is to improve the competitiveness of Sasirangan that produced by Small and
medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Banjarmasin.


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