• Fatma Indriani Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
  • Irwan Budiman Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
Keywords: text similarity, plagiarism detection, word length n-gram, Dice-Coefficient, Indonesian language


Various methods to detect plagiarism of text documents have been researched and
developed. One type of method for detecting literal plagiarism is lexical-based, mostly
character-based n-gram and word-based n-gram. N-gram based on word length has the
advantage of smaller space and computing time, because it only encodes word length
(number of letters per word). This paper discusses the application of the word length
based n-gram word for representing documents and using the Dice coefficient to measure
the similarity between the n-grams. The system is tested on a corpus of Indonesian
language documents containing literal plagiarism, and succeeded in detecting all pairs of
documents that contain plagiarism. From the test results, the optimal value of n is n> = 6
and the limit for Dice Coefficient is t <0.3.


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