• Rina Harimurti Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Anita Qoiriah Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Keywords: classroom, design and build, information system of ordering


In the process of teaching and learning, the classroom is essential to support the
sustainability of teaching and learning process. In reality, the absence of lecturer often
occurs and must be replaced at different times by agreement between the lecturer and
students.The waterfall model is exploited in this study as software development. Stages in
this model include requirements analysis (analysis of needs), design, implementation,
verification (testing), and maintenance.. The final goal of this research is to develop an
information system of ordering classroom that could assist lecturers in ordering the
classroom to replace an empty lecture. The results of this study is a tool that can provide
a convenience for faculty in particular and also the teaching staff for the management
and booking classroom. The developed application is desktop based when lecturers login
can immediately see a list of empty classrooms.


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