• Taufiq Taufiq STMIK Banjarbaru
  • Syahib Natarsyah STMIK Banjarbaru
Keywords: Expert System, Certainty Factor, Mental Health


Mental health is a very important aspect for every phase of human life. Mental Keshatan
stretched from the good to the bad. Every man, perhaps in his life experienced both sides
of the range, sometimes the mental state is very healthy, but other times just the opposite,
to live our daily lives, we must be mentally healthy. The limited number of psychiatrists or
psychiatrists still be one of the challenges of handling psychiatric problems and mental
disorders. Data Mental Health Development Ministry of Health RI, showing the current
psychiatrist provided totaled 809 as a psychiatrist with the doctor and patient ratio of 1:

30.000, but ideally 1:10. This expert system can be used by the user to be able to speed up
the process of diagnosis of mental disorders and as an alternative if the doctor is not in
place. In the conclusions in expert systems are generally used reasoning forward
chaining or backward chaining. However, with the use of both such reasoning can not be
determined the value of the trust of the hypothesis. So that an expert system can perform
reasoning as an expert even though in a state of uncertainty of the data, and to gain
confidence in this case the value of trust against the disease in the suffering, we need a
method known as the certainty factor (CF). Certainty factor is a clinical parameter to
indicate the magnitude of the trust. This app can help people to mengiagnosa mental
disorder. This can be seen in denggan application testing using methods Certainty Factor
concordance rate of 93% and 7% are not suitable.


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