• Adi Susetyo Dermawan Universitas Achmad Yani Banjarmasin
  • Ahsani Fauzan Universitas Achmad Yani Banjarmasin
  • Dewi Yuniar Universitas Achmad Yani Banjarmasin
Keywords: hsc, viscocrete-10, silicafume, quartz powder


The use of High Strength Concrete (HSC) with a local aggregate in South Kalimantan is
rarely done because they thought that local aggregates are not able to achieve the HSC.
Construction community in South Kalimantan aggregate should optimize local resources
easily available, at close range, and at reasonable prices without incurring material from the
island of Sulawesi The addition of additives such as superplasticizer (SP), silicafume (SF) and
quartz powder (QP) scientifically able to raise the quality of concret. The purpose of research
is to develop the HSC with a grain size selection/local aggregate grading Kalsel with the
addition of superplasticizer percentage variation Viscocrete-10 (polycarboxilate ethers),
silicafume and quartz powder on mechanical properties in order to achieve the compressive
strength>50 MPa. This study uses laboratory Poliban/Uvaya for aggregate examination (split
from Katunun-sand from Rantau), the laboratory of Mining and Energy of South Kalimantan
province for inspection quartz powder. Then make the job mix design (JMD) with a mixture of
normal variation, quartz powder 10%, the percentage Viscocrete-10 (0%, 0.5%, 1%) and
silicafume (0%, 10%, 20%) with 90 specimen at the age of 7 and 28 days. The results of the
study with normal concrete JMD obtained compressive strength of 35.69 MPa, JMD with
quartz powder (QP) of 10% amounting to 37.80 MPa. JMD with quartz powder (QP) 10%,
silicafume (SF) 10%, superplastisizer (SP) 0% is 35.08 MPa, JMD with QP 10%, SF 20%, SP
0% is 29.52 MPa, JMD with QP 10%, SF 0%, SP 0.5% is 39.71 MPa, JMD with QP 10%, SF
10%, SP 0.5% is 41.33 MPa, JMD with QP 10%, SF 20%, SP 0.5% is 30.20 MPa, JMD with
QP 10%, SF 0%, SP 1% is 40.16 MPa, JMD with QP 10%, SF 10%, SP 1% is 42.87 MPa,
JMD with QP 10%, SF 20%, SP 1% is 34.83 MPa. JMD with QP 10%, 10% SF, SP 1% had
results that the largest concrete compressive strength 42.87 MPa


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