• Ferry Sobatnu Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin
  • Faris Ade Irawan Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin
Keywords: Mangrove, Landsat 8, Interpretation and Clasifikation


Hutan bakau often reffered to as ‘mangrove’, is the ecosystem transition between the land
and sea or with waters around the estuary of the river. This ecosystem is affected by the
tide. The mangrove ecosystem is one of the objects that can be identified by using remote
sensing technology. The main goal of this research provide information on mangrove
distribution based on the level of its density. Interpretation of mangrove by utilizing the
technology  of  remote  sensing  using  Landsat  satellite  imagery  data 8  OLI  (the
Operational Land Imager)/TIRS (Thermal Infrared Sensor) by using the method of
classification is Supervised Classification. The results of the classification can be used as
data sources or references for research related to the density of vegetation in natural
resources. Based on the results of interpretation and classification, mangrove are divided
into 3 classes of density that is rare, medium and high. the results of a Ground Check
from 12 locations obtained the results of the calculation accuracy of interpretation is
83,3% with the total density types of mangrove 2854.26 Ha in 6 Sub Regency of Tanah
Bumbu, a percentage of high density 33.3%, medium density 13.6% and 32.8% of the
rare density.


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