• Rudi Hartono Universitas Khairun
Keywords: corrosion, gondorukem,hidrofobic,coating


In this study using pine resin processing residue or Gondorukem which is experimental
as coating on concrete reinforcement steel, which utilize characteristic of gondorukem
that is: hydrophobic, adhesion promoter and viscosity promoter. The experiments were
conducted using 2 types of gondorukem quality; quality T (nancy or brownish color,
lowest quality impurity content) and quality U (clear yellowish color, highest quality).
Gondorukem method was dissolved with 99% solvent Xylene solution with ratio 1: 1, the
solution was used as coating where the sample coating procedure by soaking the sample
in gondorukem solution for 10 seconds, treatment with 1 -3 times the layer. The sample
that has been done coating then soaked in fresh water for 60 days, observed every 10
days to see the corrosion reaction that occurred. The concluded gondorukem quality U
can be used as coating on concrete reinforcement steel while purity at lower quality
gondorukem T produce coating which are of low quality so they can not be used as
concrete reinforcement coatings in wet environments.


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