• Yuniar Siska Novianti Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
  • Uyu Saismana Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
  • Marselinus Untung Dwiatmoko Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
  • Meilana Dharma Putra Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
  • Isnaini Norfadilah Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
Keywords: water quality, alluvial diamond pit lake


Alluvial diamond mining activities is causing the formation of water reservoirs called pit
lake, where the quality of water in that pit lake is change. The quality of water in mine
deposits is generally abnormal and special treatment of water is required. So, we need
testing based on water quality parameters to determine whether the water in the pit lake
is safe for daily use. This research was conducted on two locations of alluvial diamond
mine lakes in Banjarbaru. 10 water samples were taken for each pit lake. Determination
of water sampling points based on the extent of the pit lakes area and the conditions
around the pit lake. Primary data from direct field observation is using by pH Meter tool
for pH to acidity test of water, and TDS Meter for testing total dissolved solid in some
water in pit lake. Based on the measurement of water quality parameters in the pit lake,
the results obtained for the location of Lake Seran on Landasan Ulin has a average pH of
3.65 with a temperature of 28ᵒ and TDS value of 71, while the location of Lake Galuh
Cempaka on Landasan Ulin has average pH of 7.11 with temperature 33ᵒ and value TDS
of 23.2.


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