• Dessy Lestari Saptarini Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin
Keywords: The characteristics of phosphate, X-Ray, Clay Mineral


Gunungkidul Regency has lot of guano phosphate deposits. Guano phosphate deposits
which have been mined are in Giriharjo cave in Panggang District and Ngrandu cave in
Saptosari District. The mining activity of guano phosphate in the area is conducted
simply and is very risky to the safety of mineworkers and landscape nature of kars
because the cave ornaments fall into pieces effect due to improper planning. To avoid the
problem it is important to know existing phosphate mineralogy characteristic effectively
and not to interfere the condition of existing cave. Based on analysis of petrografi, X-Ray
Difration (characteristics of phosphate mineralization in Giriharjo cave and Ngrandu
cave come from the accumulation of dissolved bat secretions which reacts with limestone
in cave to produce calcium hydroxyapatite.While the abundant found Kaolinite are
alumnium compotition are highly unlikely to be present in carbonate are vashegyte
minerals that have structures analogous to kaolinite.


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