• Belen Septian Universitas Bangka Belitung
  • Ghiri Basuki Putra Universitas Bangka Belitung
  • Fardhan Arkan Universitas Bangka Belitung
Keywords: Android, MySQL, Reminder, Web Server, GCM


Along with the progress and development of Information Technology especially android smartphone so the technology can be used in education. One of them is by building application for reminder college activity base on android that can be used by the student. Android based application built  becausetoday almost all students have the android’s smartphone. This application is built to help students in daily activities is generally difficult and often forget to schedule and task lists lectures. Using reminder application that can work offline and online is expected to facilitate students in remembering college activity.Students also get notifications online and in real time from the Department via a smartphone so without the need to go to college to see announcements.

In this research, engineering application activity reminder android-based lectures with Eclipse and use
your MySQL database for online notification of admin and Sqlite database for offline notifications in
this reminder application based android smartphone.Notification can be made by registering online
students to a web server by admin so that notifications can be sent in real time and online for students
who have registered in the web server.Applications are modeled using data flow diagrams and use-
case diagrams to help build this android application.Online notification from the web server to the
students using Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) for android which is a service that allows to send data
/ messages from the server to android device so that the notification can be sent to the android
smartphone.Reminder application was created to show notifications offline, and can receive them
online through a web server that is sent by admin.The results of the student survey showed that 92% of
the 10 students said that the application runs with both offline and online, and can be used in
accordance    with    its    function    and    helping    students    in    reminder    college    activities.


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