• Teguh Suprianto Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin
  • Nanang Muhammad Widiawan Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin
Keywords: fuel, HHO gas, electrolizer


The  rapid  depletion  of  fossil  energy  resources,  increasing  environmental  damage
resulting from the use of fossil energy and the rapid growth of the use of motor vehicles
percentage becomes a serious problem.These conditions needs to be done to find a way,
optimizing the use of alternative or renewable energy sources to reduce the consumption
of fuels derived from fossils. Electrolizer tool is one of the solution to reduce the
consumption of fuels derived from fossi.Elektroliser can produce HHO  gas. HHO gas,
also known as brown gas produced in the electrolysis process occurs due to electric
current passing through the electrodes. HHO gas from elektrolizer is mixed with fuel in
the carburetor and make higher octane rating makes combustion becomes more perfect
so it can make fuel consumption becomes more efficient.Elektrolizer testing tool 12 Volt
indicate that the solution concentration effect on fuel consumption. The 2,5%-3%
concentrations  of  sodium  bicarbonate  is  in  electrolizer  will  result  in  higher  fuel


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